Saturday 3 October 2020

Rahul Gandhi Gang rapes Sukanya Devi on 3-12-06 now he became impotent


Rahul Gandhi Gang rapes 

Sukanya Devi on 3-12-06 

now he became impotent

Rahul Gandhi Gang rapes Sukanya Devi on 3-12-06 On 3 rd December 2006 , Rahul Gandhi was camping at Amethi along with 7 others including 4 foreigners (two from Britain and other two from Italy, names not known). Around 9 P.M all of them were drinking liquor at a V.I.P. guest house in a high security zone. They had an uninvited guest, a y...oung girl named Sukanya Devi, 24 years of age, a staunch follower of Nehru-Gandhi family and daughter of Congress worker Balram Singh. Sukanya was looking for an opportunity to meet Rahul Gandhi since last two years and on that fateful night she able to meet him. Sukanya's family has been supporting the Congress party since the time of

Nehru. When she met Rahul he spoke to her for a couple of minutes and later he and his friends offered her liquor. Sukanya was amazed seeing all this, she was not feeling comfortable, she refused to have liquor and took permission to leave, but she was forced to stay back and drink. She kept resisting, but they raped her one by one. She cried for help, but her cries fell on deaf ears. Even the security personnel preferred to remain as mute spectators. She kept weeping all along and was threatened and asked to keep her mouth shut. She was given Rs. 50 , 000 /-. She straightaway went to the local police station. The police refused to book any complaint and asked her to go home. Before she could reach home, Congress workers had gathered at her house and gave a different version of the incident to her father. They accused her of trying to seduce Rahul Gandhi. Her father Balram Singh, without giving her a chance to explain what had happened to her beat her up mercilessly. Balram Singh learnt the facts from others who were witness to the crime, but he preferred to remain quite as he did not want to challenge Rahul Gandhi and the Congress Party. Sukanya's mother Sumitra Devi, who learnt about the whole incident immediately went with her daughter to Police HQ in Amethi. The Police officials refused to book any complaint and advised her to remain quite. She went from pillar to post pleading for justice, but no one heard her pleas. Sumithra Devi gave a statement in a press conference with a very thin attendance and there she was confronted by Congressmen who physically assaulted both mother & daughter. On 27 th December 2006 Sumithra Devi went to New Delhi to meet Sonia Gandhi. Sonia refused to meet her. With no options left she went to Human Rights Commission who just noted down her complaint and asked her to leave. The Congressmen have threatened to kill both Sumithra Devi and her daughter Sukanya if she makes the rape issue public. Both the mother and daughter are in despair trying to seek justice. Both mother and daughter were camping in New Delhi for over a fortnight to get an appointment with the President of India. They have not got an appointment either with the President or with the Chief Justice. Both mother and daughter are now in hiding. If the Congressmen dont kill her, the Opus Di (secret service of the Vatican) definitely will. It is important that we locate Sumanthra Devi and Sukanya, offer them protection. Sukanya and his mother are said to be hiding in one of their Relatives House in Harayana. Our Sources in Lucknow say that "The Congress men have been ordered to kill them at sight before they come out in open or approach the president" . Congressman have been deployed at all 7 borders of UP & Delhi to trace both motherand and Daughter . Congressmen deployed at checkposts have been provided photographs of Sukanya. Door to Door Searching is on in Amethi and neighbouring Villages to track down them, and simultaneously the villagers are being warned and threathened if they provide protection to both mother and daughter. The Congressmen and Congress Governments in other states are secretely been instructed to track them down and hand over to them at the earliest. Few Congress MLA'S from Uttar Pradesh are under tremendous pressure from the high command to Locate both mother and daughter and finish the needful. Secretly a reward has been announced by the Congress High Command if whosoever provides info or ...... Congressman from other districts and states are touring all over UP & Delhi. "I am sure they have decided to kill both mother and daughter." Father of the victim Mr.Balram Singh has either gone underground or has been killed, he is not to be seen since 4 th January 2007. 1. The lady Doctor at the hospital , where Ms.Sukanya went , on that fateful day was transfered soon after that incident .( Name of the lady doctor will be posted shortly ) 2. We know the place where Mother and victim Ms. Sukanya are hiding , we choose NOT to disclose for their safety .However we will try to send our men to contact them to throw light on the incident . 3. Video tapes : We took interviews of few individuals and will be aired soon 4. Fate of the father Mr.Balram Singh is not known 5. We learned that Kalyan Singh will use this incident once Elections are announced , till then Samajwadi Party will remain silent. Ms. Sukanya 's address 23-12 Medical Choke Sanjay Gandhi Marg, Amethi, Raebareli, UP India Ms.Sukanya and Mother last seen on January 19 , 2007 . Missing . Congress goons are still looking for her Father of Victim Mr. Balram is still missing We interviewed people , very soon we will air video interviews . The Mother and daughter are both in hiding Only 2 newspaper reporters actually came to the press conference. They are afraid of being killed by congress goondas. Recently what has happened to the Hindu devotees who took photos and videos of Christian prostylizing around the Tirupati Temple is being harrased, by the christian chief minister of Andhra Pradesh, Yesudas Samuel Rajasekhar Reddy or known as YSR Reddy. On the instructions of YSR Reddy, the christian Inspector General of Police of Andhra Pradesh one Swarnajith Sen made the devotees to report to police every 2 weeks, spend 8 hours at the station , no question asked and in the evening is being told to leave.? The christians are trying to break the devotees of Tirupati, so that the christian conversion in the temple area can go on. Five separate bogus charges have been laid against the Hindu devotee. Unfortunately no Hindu came to help the devotee and only the Hindu Unity organization had came in support of the Hindu devotee who brought out the conversion terrorism that is being done by the christians in the Hindu temple area in Tirupati. The Rahul Gandhi gang’s rape victim and her family members lives are in danger and if Kanchan Mishra can just disappear in to thin air, so can both the mother and the daughter. Just because the Pro-Christian/ Islamic Indian Media have not reported this incident makes it even more believable. This case is only the tip of the ice burg. More will come out with given enough time like the Noida serial killings. On that fateful night Sukanya tried to get the support of local bastiwalas, but no one came forward as everyone are scared of Congress Goondaism which is strong in Amethi Sukanya father beat her so badly that she was forced to run away with her mother because Congressman wanted to kill her. A Group of 1 ,000 Congress people roamed the town on that night and kept warning people to keep their mouth shut otherwise they will kill them. It allhappened under the nose ofthe police who acted helplessly. The local media who learnt about this incidence next morning enquired from the local people. Both people and Police refused to speak anything and evaded any question. Reporters of Small and Medium Newspapers had shown interest in this incidence but it did not carry much weight. Major newspapers had heard about this incident, but did not take it seriously. The following Reporters who were present on 4 th December to cover Rahul's Trip in Amethi and who were given information about the incident. This reporters were informed about the incident, none of them took interest to look into the matter a) IBN7 b) Dainik Jagran, Dainik Bhaskar c) Punjab Kesari d) Hindusthan Times (Hindi) e) Times of India & Times now f) NDTV (Hindi) g) Aaj Tak h) Star News i) Nav bharath times Sukanya and his mother are said to be hiding in one of their Relatives House in Harayana. Our Sources in Lucknow say that "The Congress men have been ordered to kill them at sight before they come out in open or approach the president" Congressman have been deployed at all 7 borders of UP & Delhi to trace both mother and daughter. Congressmen deployed at check posts have been provided photographs of Sukanya. Door to door searching is on in Amethi and neighboring villages to track them down. At the same time the villagers are being warned and being threatened that if they provide protection to both mother and daughter they also will be killed by the congress goondas. We have no information like who is contacting the president on behalf of them. We are trying to gather information from our people in New Delhi whether the Human Rights has seriously registered their Complaints. Few Congress MLA'S from Uttar Pradesh are under tremendous pressure from the high command to locate both mother and daughter and finish the needful. Secretly a reward has been announced by the Congress High Command for any one who provides information or kill Sukanya and her parents. Congressman from other districts and states are touring all over UP & Delhi. Balram Singh has either gone underground or has been killed; as he is not to be seen since 4 th January 2007. Dharma Rakshak December 28 at 9 :14 am Reply • 


Twists and turns in the rape allegations against 

Rahul Gandhi and Ahmed Patel and how the 

cases were withdrawn

.The country is witnessing an uproar over the rape cases in Jammu & Kashmir and Uttar Pradesh. The justice for the victims sadly happens only after the uproar, as certain elements try to settle brownie points for their benefit. In this context, we wish to rehash two incidents of rape allegations where the vast majority kept a stony or even criminal silence. Why? Because it involved two of the country’s then most powerful persons – Rahul Gandhi and Ahmed Patel – during the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA)’s regime, controlled by the then Congress President Sonia Gandhi.
Rahul Gandhi was represented by veteran lawyer P P Rao and he argued continuously for three days. His main contention was that this complaint was a political conspiracy to block the rise of Rahul Gandhi. CBI also said that the rape allegation was a non-existent one[1].

Around 2007, in the middle of the UPA-1 regime, Sonia Gandhi’s son Rahul Gandhi was facing allegations of rape and this case went up all the way to the Supreme Court (SC). Sonia Gandhi’s Political Secretary Ahmed Patel also met with similar allegations and this case to went up to the Supreme Court. Interestingly or mysteriously in both cases, the petitioners fizzled out or retracted their allegations in the SC. Media, Civil society groups and Feminists went completely silent on these two high profile rape allegations. Most media houses only dared to report when the petitioners retracted and cases were dismissed.

PGurus is bringing out the timeline of these two interesting cases involving rape allegations against Rahul Gandhi and Ahmed Patel.

Allegations against Rahul Gandhi
In early 2007, many bloggers published rape allegation against Rahul Gandhi. They alleged that one Sukanya Devi, local Congress leader’s daughter was raped by Rahul Gandhi and friends on December 3, 2006 at a circuit house in Amethi.  The blogs said the girl and parents went missing after they came to complain to Sonia Gandhi in Delhi about the incident. Samajwadi Party was in power in Uttar Pradesh and the state was going for Assembly elections.

No media covered this report until March 2011. The issue got raked up when a former Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) of Samajwadi Party Kishore Samrite in March 2011, approached Allahabad High Court seeking a probe on the incident and the vanishing of Sukanya Devi and family. A Single Judge Bench issued notice to the State Government, the Police and Rahul Gandhi. This became a big news in many newspapers while the TV channels kept silent. In the petition, the ex-MLA said that he had gone to the village of Sukanya Devi after reading the blogs and found that the home was abandoned and the neighbors were unaware about the family’s mysterious disappearance after going to Delhi in December 2006.

But a dramatic thing happened two days later. One girl named as Kirti Singh approaches another Bench (Division Bench of two judges) of Allahabad High Court claiming as she is Sukanya Devi, seeking probe against the petitioner Kishore Samrite. Her allegation was that she is the Sukanya Devi mentioned in the petition listed in other Bench filed by the former Samajwadi MLA and that petition is just to malign her modesty. Without hearing the opposite side, that day itself the Bench ordered the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to probe into all blogs carrying rape allegations and conspiracy angles behind such reports and interestingly imposed a heavy fine of Rs.50 lakhs on Kishore Samrite. By this surprising Order, the first Bench’s summon against Rahul Gandhi became null and void.

Within a week Kishore Samrite approached the Supreme Court against the unprecedented action of the Division Bench of Allahabad High Court and unheard of fine of Rs.50 lakhs that too without hearing his side, based on a petition filed by one Kirti Singh, who has no locus standi.  Many newspapers started covering the Supreme Court proceedings, while TV channels kept mum. Supreme Court gave a stay on the Division Bench of Allahabad High Court order and started hearing the case in mid-2012.

But all of a sudden, Kishore Samrite retracted his complaint and said that he personally doesn’t have knowledge of the incident and that he was forced to give this petition by Samajwadi Party leaders including Mulayam Singh and the then Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav. He even alleged that his petition details were discussed in the New Delhi home of Mulayam Singh and that he is withdrawing from the case and reiterated in the Supreme Court that he filed the petition against Rahul Gandhi on behalf of Mulayam and Akhilesh.

Rahul Gandhi was represented by veteran lawyer P P Rao and he argued continuously for three days. His main contention was that this complaint was a political conspiracy to block the rise of Rahul Gandhi. CBI also said that the rape allegation was a non-existent one[1].

In October 2012, the Supreme Court disposed of the petition terming the case a politically motivated one with malice and vendetta and reduced the fine on Kishore Samrite from Rs.50 lakhs to Rs.10 lakhs.

Here two questions remain unanswered:

Why did Kishore Samrite do a U-turn in the Supreme Court?
Till date, neither Samajwadi Party nor Mulayam Singh/ Akhilesh Yadav has uttered a word on this incident and we have now seen in 2017 Rahul Gandhi aligning with Akhilesh Yadav, who according to Samrite, prompted the rape allegations. How come Rahul Gandhi allied with Akhilesh Yadav, after this incident?
The complete truth of this incident is not yet out as the politics is a game of gives and takes.  The detailed Supreme Court Judgment on this incident can be accessed by clicking on this reference[2].

Allegations against Ahmed Patel
In early 2005, one Sunita Singh from Meerut approached Delhi Police that she was brutally raped by Congress leader Ahmed Patel at the home of the Mahila Congress leader and the then National Commission for Women (NCW) Member Yasmin Abrar’s home. According to her complaint, she was the wife of an ex-Army man and he used to beat her often and once she ran out of her home and jumped into a bus to Delhi and reached NCW office for help. The NCW put her in its shelter known as Nari Niketan. After a week, Yasmin Abrar came for inspection at Nari Niketan and met her and offered her a job as a maid at her home. After few days, Ahmed Patel came visiting and Yasmin Abrar asked her to give tea and water to the Congress leader. When she came to serve tea and water, Abrar left the room and Ahmed Patel raped her. In her complaint, she said that later the local Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) Member of Parliament (MP) from Meerut also came and raped her and then she was also raped by many Congressmen when she was taken to Jaipur and Ajmer.

As usual Delhi Police kept quiet and Sunita Singh approached Delhi High Court. Her petition got rejected as Delhi Police said that they are probing the matter and needed more time (Sound familiar?!) By early 2006, she filed an appeal in the Supreme Court. But during the case, clearly, due to some settlement, she files an application to correct her petition. In the corrected petition she withdrew all men’s names including Ahmed Patel. She only mentioned that there were white dressed or Khadi dressed men. But in the corrected petition also she reiterated that the rape happened at NCW Member Yasmin Abrar’s home. Only Tribune newspaper had published this news[3]. The rest were silent on this development. At a later stage in the Supreme Court, by the end of 2006, she withdrew her appeal too. We are publishing the copy of Tribune report at the end of this article.

This is how rape allegations against the high profile men play out. How many media organizations covered these incidents? How many feminists and protestors acted on these incidents? None. The family of Sukanya Devi is missing till this day.

[1] Rahul rape case based on ‘non-existent’ claim, says CBI – Sep 25, 2012, Indian Express

[2] Kishore Samrite vs State of U P & Ors on 18 Oct, 2012 –



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