Sunday 18 October 2020

Rare Photos From History That Will Puzzle You


Rare Photos From History That Will Puzzle You

Since man produced the first successful photograph in 1816, the art of creating a unique stock image has been at the forefront of photography. As we’ve progressed, capturing images has become mainstream and mundane, but once photographs were rare and uncommon. Here is a collection of some of the lesser-seen photographs ever taken in history. Many will send a chill down your spine.
Last Will And Testament
What seems like a fun day at an amusement park is a lot darker than that. This man is a U.S. death-row prisoner checking the safety of a roller coaster in 1958. Whether it passed safety regulations or not, we know what happened.

Apestronaut or astrochimp? Well, it doesn’t really matter. What matters is that Ham The Chimp was the first humanoid ever to be sent successfully into space. It’s because of him that man has been able to advance in space.

.Tattoo Chin
A young girl by the name of Olive Ann Oatman was kidnapped along with her sister, by a native American tribe when she was just 14 years old. She was adopted by a Mohave chief and grew up with the tribe. Part of her upbringing included getting a tattoo on her chin. Years later after word about a white girl living with the tribe spread, she was redeemed through an exchange of blankets and horses.

Flying Babies
‘Operation Babylift’ took place on April 12th, 1975 from Vietnam. Following the Vietnam War, many Vietnamese babies became orphans and that’s where the U.S. government stepped in and took action. They flew the babies back to America, and then citizens of U.S.A., Australia, Canada and France adopted them.

.Home At Last
‘Operation Homecoming’ was not a prom thing, no, it was the returning of U.S. soldiers in exchange for Viet Cong in the 1970’s. This photo of fighter pilot Lt. Col Robert Stirm reuniting with his family after 6 years won an award and was later called “Burst of Joy”.

.Beer Waterfall
During Prohibition getting a drink might have been as easy as standing next to a brewery with a bucket. Not really though. This photograph shows what happened when police found and bust a bootlegging brewery in Detroit.

Addressing Issues
Many people recognize flight attendants by their iconic dress code. But did you know that a while back their uniform wasn’t what it is today? In this photograph you can see Brigitta Lindman, a Swedish airline flight attendant inspecting a showgirl’s get-up after rumors about airlines adopting similar uniforms raced around Sweden in 1959.

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