Tuesday, 5 May 2020

benefits to having sex.

 benefits to having sex.

There are many benefits to having sex. By having sex, not only pleasure, but also excitement remains. It is also helpful in removing stress and anxiety. Sex affects various parts of our body. Recent studies have shown that sex affects how much we eat and how well our heart works. Sex is an effective way to burn calories and scientists have found that appetite decreases after this.

Sleep hormones are released: Better sleep after sex, but not just because of fatigue after sex. After the orgasm, the brain directs the body to secrete prolactin hormone, which aids in getting sleep. Apart from this, the secretion of 'Oxytocin', a natural pain reliever present in the body, can also help you sleep after sex.

Feeling of pleasure: During the climax, the brain releases many hormones including serotonin and oxytocin, which make you feel happy. Studies have shown that increasing the amount of oxytocin in the body helps in feeling relaxed and it can also reduce stress. Apart from this, it is helpful in relieving common problems like pain, headache and muscle aches. Other studies have found that endorphin hormone is released during sex.

Help in brain functions: Some studies have shown that people who have sex often have a good memory. There have been indications that sex can increase brain neurons and help the brain function normally.

Anxiety and stress: If you don't have sex with your partner often, it will reduce your feeling of connection with them, which means that you don't talk too much about your feelings. Having sex releases oxytocin and endorphin hormones in your body, which can help control the effects of stress. Oxytocin also helps in sleeping.

This is the most successful way to satisfy girls during sex

Everyone wants to have better sex with his female partner. But have you ever thought that men put their sexual desires in front of their female partner. But have you ever wondered what kind of sex your female partner likes.

The most successful methods of sex:

Before sex, you should arouse excitement in your female partner's mind. Often men start having sex in a hurry. Due to this, the female partner does not get extreme pleasure.

To show love in the eyes with a female partner on the bed, to move the lips on sensitive parts, touch of delicate organs is also enough to make women feel anxious.

During sex, women prefer that their male partner have sex with them in different ways. The female partner enjoys this creative style a lot.

Know reason behind having sex

Unhealthy diet: -

Increase Sex Drive: A healthy diet and maintaining a healthy weight improves your sex drive. You should take low carbohydrate foods which are bad for your sex life. Large amounts of excess carbs can cause your testosterone levels to decrease, weight gain, and estrogen levels. According to experts, also avoid fried and roasted things. Trans fats found in fried foods can decrease male and female libido.

There are many natural foods that have the potential to increase your sexual stamina. Pomegranate juice, carrot juice, celery juice - all of these can help increase bedroom life and keep your energy up.

.Every girl needs sex. After making a physical relationship for the first time, there are many major changes in the body of women. It is usually seen that women start gaining weight after being intimate for the first time. This happens due to hormonal changes.

Why do women feels dissatisfied many times during sex?

Such changes occur in the body:

# Stress reduction: A research has proved that people who have regular sex have to face less stress. This keeps the mood of women good.

Having sex during pregnancy can cause problems

# Change in body shape: There was a research in Belgian which proved that after the first intercourse, the body shape of women changes slightly. # Changes in periods: Menstruation may be irregular after intercourse. The reason for this is also the change in hormones. But if there is a delay in the date of periods, then it can also be a sign of pregnancy.

Know about girls' sex desire in this way

# Increase in intelligence: There was a research in England which proved that after sex, women's brains become more active. This increases the sales of the brain.


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