Monday 23 October 2017



Samosa -
The SAMOSA probably travelled to India along ancient trade routes from Central Asia. Samosa was first brought to the Indian subcontinent in 13th-14th century by the Iranian traders who travelled to India. In Arab cookbooks of the 10th century Samosa was called as sanbusak.  The Persian name for the pyramids was samsa. 
It was centuries later that Muslim traders took their pastry pyramids with them to India. – 

In 1334, the renowned traveller Ibn Battuta wrote about the sambusak: "minced meat cooked with almonds, pistachios, onions and spices placed inside a thin envelop of wheat and deep-fried in ghee". And the samosa obtained a royal stamp with its inclusion in the Ain-i-Akbari which declared that among dishes cooked with wheat there is the qutab, "which the people of Hind called the sanbusa".

Amir Khusrow in 1300 wrote the princes and nobles of the time enjoyed “samosa prepared from meat, ghee, onion and so on". 

In July, 2011, this snack item has been banned in Somalia by Islamist militants. The al-Shabab group, which has imposed the ban, states that the samosa is by and large a Christian symbolism, considering its triangular shape, closely relating to the Christian holy trinity.

இது சமோசாவின் கதை

மத்திய ஆசியாவிலிருந்து பண்டைய வர்த்தக வழிகளான சாமோசா இந்தியாவுக்கு பயணித்தது. 13 ம், 14 ஆம் நூற்றாண்டில் இந்தியாவுக்கு பயணம் செய்த ஈரானிய வணிகர்கள் சமோசாவை முதலில் இந்திய துணைக்கண்டத்திற்கு கொண்டு வந்தனர். 10 ஆம் நூற்றாண்டின் அரபு சமையல்காரர்க ளால்  சமோசா என அழைக்கப்பட்டது. பிரமிடுகளுக்கான பாரசீக பெயர் சம்சா. பல நூற்றாண்டுகள் கழித்து முஸ்லிம் வியாபாரிகள் தங்கள்  பிரமிடுகளை இந்தியாவுடன் எடுத்துச் சென்றனர். -

1334 ஆம் ஆண்டில் புகழ்பெற்ற பயணி இபின் பதூதா  சம்சா பற்றி  இவ்வாறு எழுதினார்: 'பாதாம், பிஸ்தா பருப்பு , வெங்காயம் மற்றும் நறுமணத்தோடு
 மசாலாப் பொருட்களுடன் சமைக்கப்பட்ட இறைச்சி.கோதுமை மாவில் வைத்து    நெய்யில் ஆழமாக வறுத்து எடுப்பதே சமோசா . இதே பக்குவம் அக்பர் எழுதிய  அய்ன்- ஈ -அக்பரி யிலும் எழுதப்பட்டுள்ளது

சமோசா ஒரு அரச பலகாரம் .மொகலாயர் ஆட்சியில் இது நெய்யினால் மட்டன் வகையினால் தயாரிக்கப்பட்டு அனைவராலும் விரும்பி
உண்ணப்பட்டது  . 

2011  ஜூலை யில் சோமாலியாவில் இஸ்லாமிய தீவிர வாதிகளால் இது தடை செய்யப்பட்டது .காரணம்   முக்கோண வடிவம் கிறிஸ்துவ சமயம் சம்பந்த பட்டதாம் . எது எதுக்கோ நோபல் பரிசு குடுக்குறானுக ! இவனுங்கல்லவா குடுக்கணும் .

4,000-Year-Old Noodles Found in China
John Roach 

October 12, 2005
A 4,000-year-old bowl of noodles unearthed in China is the earliest example ever found of one of the world's most popular foods, scientists reported today. It also suggests an Asian—not Italian—origin for the staple dish.

The beautifully preserved, long, thin yellow noodles were found inside an overturned sealed bowl at the Lajia archaeological site in northwestern China. The bowl was buried under ten feet (three meters) of sediment. (View a close-up photo >>)

"This is the earliest empirical evidence of noodles ever found," Houyuan Lu of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics at Beijing's Chinese Academy of Sciences said in an e-mail interview.

Lu and colleagues report the find tomorrow in the science journal Nature.

The scientists determined the noodles were made from two kinds of millet, a grain indigenous to China and widely cultivated there 7,000 years ago. Modern North American and European noodles are usually made with wheat.

Archaeochemist Patrick McGovern at the University of Pennsylvania's Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology in Philadelphia said that if the date for the noodles is correct, the find is "quite amazing."

Even today, he said, deft skills are required to make long, thin noodles like those found at Lajia.

"This shows a fairly high level of food processing and culinary sophistication," he said.

Noodle History

Noodles have been a staple food in many parts of the world for at least 2,000 years, though whether the modern version of the stringy pasta was first invented by the Chinese, Italians, or Arabs is debatable.

Prior to the discovery of noodles at the Lajia archaeological site, the earliest record of noodles appears in a book written during China's East Han Dynasty sometime between A.D. 25 and 220, Lu said.

Other theories suggest noodles were first made in the Middle East and introduced to Italy by the Arabs. Italians are widely credited for popularizing the food in Europe and spreading it around the world.

Additional evidence is needed to prove that the noodles found at Lajia are the ancestor of either Asian noodles or Italian pasta. "But in any case, the latter is only documented two millennia later," Lu said.

Gary Crawford, an archaeologist at the University of Toronto at Mississauga in Canada, said finding 4,000-year-old noodles in China is not a surprise.

"It fits with what we've generally known—that noodles have a long and important history in China," he said.

Ingredient Sleuthing

To determine what the noodles were made from, Lu and colleagues compared the shape and patterning of the starch grains and seed husks in the noodle bowl with modern crops.

The team concluded the noodles were made from two kinds of millet—broomcorn millet and foxtail millet. The grain was ground into flour to make dough, which was then likely pulled and stretched into shape.

Foxtail millet alone, the researchers say, lacks the stickiness required to allow the dough to be pulled and stretched into strings.

While archaeological evidence suggests wheat was present in China 4,000 years ago, it was not widely cultivated until the Tang Dynasty (A.D. 618 to 907), Lu said.

According to Crawford, the fact that the noodles were made of millet is not surprising. His own research at a similarly dated site in northern China shows ample millet and rice but very little wheat.

However, he added, the discovery of well-preserved millet noodles helps explain the lack of grain seeds found at some archaeological sites.

"One suspicion is grain seeds were made into a type of food through boiling and flour production. That would not necessarily leave much in the way of grains to be … recovered," he said. " … and if they were making noodles, that would explain it."

According to Lu, in poor, rural areas of northwestern China, millet is still used to make noodles.

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